Roman Coins
313 products
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The history of Roman currency spans several centuries and reflects the economic and political transformations of the Roman Republic and Empire. In the early stages of the Roman Republic, bartering and various forms of commodity money were common. However, around the 4th century BCE, the Romans began using bronze bars known as aes rude as a primitive form of currency. These were eventually replaced by aes signatum, bronze coins of standardized weights.
With the introduction of the denarius in the 3rd century BCE, silver became the primary metal for Roman currency. The denarius was widely circulated and remained the backbone of Roman coinage throughout the Republic and into the Empire. However, the denarius faced challenges as inflation and debasement eroded its value. This led to the introduction of new coinage, such as the antoninianus, which contained higher silver content. Over time, other coin denominations emerged, including the sestertius, dupondius, and as. The Roman currency system was complex, reflecting the vast extent of the empire and the evolving economic needs of its citizens.